Many are big, heavy and poorly built and lack the essentials needed for success catching cats. At least “general” catfish fishing targeting a variety of species and using a variety of techniques.
The vast majority of fishing rods marketed to catfish anglers that you”ll find in big box retail stores are total junk and not well suited for catfish fishing. These come from a variety of manufacturers and in a variety of shape sizes and colors. Most anglers who begin targeting catfish go out to their local bait and tackle shop and but the first fishing rod they can find that says “catfish” somewhere on the rod. Rather than wasting money on buying the wrong gear, you can use my experience as a guide.
#Topcat fishing tackle professional#
As a professional catfish guide I rely on having the right gear to put fish in the boat and do so as efficiently as possible. The Ultimate Guide To Catfish Rods covers exactly what you need to know about choosing the right catfish rods. Cost effective (as much as I would like to be able to buy $250 fishing rods, I can’t/won’t).Holds up well and takes repeated long term abuse (I don’t “baby” my catfishing gear).Is light enough to “finesse fish” and catch 1–5 pound catfish.Performs under the stress and abuse that it’ll take from trophy blues and flatheads.Here’s what I’m looking for when choosing catfish rods: The end goal is to have a set of catfish rods that’s ideal for every catfishing technique and species.
#Topcat fishing tackle how to#
Much of this was due to changes in fishing style and really getting a firm understanding of what a fishing rod can and cannot do, along with how to leverage every single aspect of the fishing rod. Some of this was due to poor research on my part, some was due to manufacturer defects or deficiencies. I’ve wasted more money on catfish rods that weren’t a good “fit” than any other area of catfish gear so I created this guide, the Ultimate Guide To Catfish Rods. You are a God sent and I would definitely recommend anyone to use top cat.Catfish rods are a segment of catfishing gear that I wasted a lot of money on over the years. All I can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, YOU made my son very happy and he hasn't shut up about it. The guy on the Top Cat says, well I'm 2 blokes down on my charter would you like to come. He rings the captain of MV JEAN MARIE only to be told there was a broken shaft,so he we are quite a few $$$$ down, no fishing trip and a wasted morning. Mean while whilst standing their the Top Cat employee calls out to see if we were on there boat, we explain what the go is. The captain was rung and straight to message bank. Sunday morning we get him up at 5am as we are staying at Nelligen Big 4, get him organised and headed to the wharf only to stand and wait wait wait for NO ONE to arrive, there was another man waiting to board with them. We booked Wednesday for the Sunday trip, was given the run around the told no problem they are booked to go out at 6am, details came thru and my son was an over excited child as he was looking forward to going deep sea fishing with dad. We had booked for my son and husband aboard another charter.Bateman Bay Fishing Charter on the M.V JEAN MARIE. I want to take the time to thank these guys who went out of there way to give my husband and son a great day on Sunday out fishing. Clyde River National Park: Tickets & Tours.